UT University Health Services


Trichomoniasis is caused by a microscopic parasite. Trichomonasis is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Trichomoniasis can be prevented by condom use or choosing not to have sex.

Most men with trichomoniasis do not experience symptoms. However, some men may experience irritation inside the penis, mild discharge, or a slight burning after urinating or ejaculating. Some women may experience discharge that is green, yellow or grey, a bad smell, itching in the genital area, pain during sex, or burning when urinating. Trichomoniasis is diagnosed by taking a sample of vaginal or penile discharge and looking at it under a microscope.

You can get tested for trichomoniasis and all other STIs at University Health Services (UHS). Call (512) 475-4955 to schedule an appointment.

Healthy Sexuality

Healthy Sexuality Topics
Classes and Workshops
Request Free/Low-Cost Condoms
Men's Sexual Health
Off-Campus STI / HIV testing locations
Sexually Transmitted Infections
UHS Sexual Assault Forensic Exams
AlcoholEdu and SAPU
Gynecology Clinic


100 West Dean Keeton
Student Services Building (SSB)


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university of texas at austin university health services
university of texas at austin division of student affairs