UT University Health Services


Tips for Sticking With Your Decision Not to Have Sex

  • Plan ahead so you know how you'll handle potentially tricky situations.
  • Remember that alcohol and other drugs can impair your judgment.
  • Try to find supportive people in your life to talk to about your decision.
  • Think about how you could talk to a current or future partner about your decision.
  • Finally, don't reevaluate your decision not to have sex when you're in a sexual situation.
  • Stay with your decision until you can think about it with a clear head. When you do choose to have sex, be sure that you know how to protect yourself from STIs and unintended pregnancy

Making a Decision About When to Have Sex

Why Do People Choose Not to Have Sex?

Some content used with permission from UC Berkeley's Tang Center Website.

Healthy Sexuality

Healthy Sexuality Topics
Classes and Workshops
Request Free/Low-Cost Condoms
Men's Sexual Health
Off-Campus STI / HIV testing locations
Sexually Transmitted Infections
UHS Sexual Assault Forensic Exams
AlcoholEdu and SAPU
Gynecology Clinic


100 West Dean Keeton
Student Services Building (SSB)


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university of texas at austin university health services
university of texas at austin division of student affairs