Substance use risk reduction education and sexual assault prevention
Addressing the intersection of alcohol and sexual consent
Empowering mindful decision making around substance use
Bystander intervention programming and education
Programs that create a supportive environment that positively influences body image and overall well-being
Alcohol use education and tips on staying safe and having fun at UT
Physical activity and social connection for Kinsolving Residence Hall students
Health and well-being resources for student organizations
Sexual health resources for students
Strategies and resources for better rest
Text messaging program promoting healthy habits and resources
Mental health peer support program
Health promotion student leaders
Education and resources for sun safety
Empowering students to promote mental health in student organizations
Information and resources supporting student mental health
Mindfulness-related resources and programming
A map of on-campus outdoor locations for relaxing, connecting and mindfulness
Information and resources about prescription drug uses
Assists faculty in promoting student mental health
Interpersonal violence prevention, including sexual violence, dating violence and stalking