AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU)

AlcoholEdu and SAPU are online educational modules that are mandatory for all incoming first-year and transfer students at UT. The college experience is more than academics. AlcoholEdu and SAPU are part of UT Austin’s comprehensive approach to promoting wellness and creating a safe campus for students. The program’s goals are to ensure that students have information to make well-informed decisions about substance use and are empowered to prevent sexual assault and interpersonal violence.


Students who fail to complete either Part 1 or Part 2 of the AlcoholEdu or SAPU program by the deadlines will be unable to see their grades online for that semester. Even if a student has completed AlcoholEdu, SAPU or a similar program while enrolled in another institution, they must complete AlcoholEdu and SAPU when they enter UT Austin.

How to sign up for AlcoholEdu and SAPU

Incoming students will receive an introductory email with a link to the program website. Access the programs by logging in with your UT EID and password as well as Duo (two-factor authentication).

How to complete AlcoholEdu and SAPU

AlcoholEdu and SAPU have two parts. Completing both parts by the deadline is required.

Part One

Part 1 takes approximately two hours to complete. The deadline to complete this module is around a week before the start of the semester.

Date Action
January 6 Receive invitation email
January 17 Complete Part 1 of AlcoholEdu & SAPU by deadline

Part Two

Part two becomes available 45 days (approximately 6 weeks) after completion of Part 1. The deadline to complete this module is around two months after the start of the semester.

Date Action
45 days after completion of Part 1 Receive invitation email to Part 2, 45 days after completion of Part 1
March 7 Complete Part 2 of AlcoholEdu & SAPU by deadline

You can complete AlcoholEdu and SAPU on a computer or tablet. Answers provided by students are confidential, and responses are never linked to individual students. You can save your work and return to the program if necessary.

Help with Technical Difficulties

If you have technical difficulties with accessing or completing AlcoholEdu or SAPU, try the following:

  • Use an alternate browser. Courses are best supported by the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari (preferred) or Microsoft Internet Explorer 11+. Refresh the screen two to three times from within the course.
  • Close all browser windows and log in to the course again.
  • If you have accessibility issues, select “accessibility mode” once you are in the course.

If technical difficulties continue, visit Vector online technical support.

Resources for parents

During the transition to college, parents and caregivers can play a crucial role in continuing to make a positive impact on their student’s health and wellbeing. Visit this resource page for strategies on engaging your student in thoughtful and constructive conversations about how to stay well in college and beyond.
