Frequently Asked Questions

AlcoholEdu and SAPU are mandatory for all incoming first-year and transfer students at UT Austin. Even if you have completed AlcoholEdu, SAPU or a similar program while enrolled in another institution, you must complete AlcoholEdu and SAPU during the first semester you are enrolled in classes at UT Austin.

AlcoholEdu and SAPU prepare you with the information to make well-informed decisions around substance use and empower you to prevent sexual assault and interpersonal violence.

Incoming students will receive an introductory email from Vector with a link to the programs. Access the programs by logging in with your UT EID and password as well as Duo (two-factor authentication).

AlcoholEdu and SAPU each have two parts. Part 1 takes approximately two hours to complete. Part 2 takes approximately one hour to complete.

Part 2 will become available approximately 45 days after you complete Part 1. You cannot view Part 2 before that time.

If you need audio accommodations, closed captioning is available to turn on in the course. For students requiring visual accommodations, transcripts are available.

Yes. AlcoholEdu and SAPU are mandatory for all incoming first-year and transfer students at UT Austin.

Yes. You will learn ways to help your peers who may be drinking, even if you do not drink alcohol.

Vector collects aggregate, de-identified data which is reported to UT Austin. UT Austin will only receive a report of your final exam score and the status of your course completion, not your individual answers.

No. A textbook and materials are not needed. Everything that you need is provided to you online through the course.

Part 1 and Part 2 have different deadlines. You will not receive an email to begin Part 2 until 45 days after completing Part 1. Please check the Healthyhorns website and social media platforms regularly for any updates or changes to deadlines.

No. You need to complete the AlcoholEdu and SAPU modules during the first semester that you are enrolled in classes at UT Austin.

No. If you take a gap year and have already completed AlcoholEdu and SAPU at UT Austin during your first semester enrolled in classes, you will not need to take the courses again once your gap year is over.

No, graduate students only need to complete Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students.

You do not need to upload the certificates anywhere. Once you receive them and your courses say “complete” you are finished. Please note there are two parts to both AlcoholEdu and SAPU.

Please submit a ticket with Vector support to reset your survey.