The BASICS and CASICS programs are offered both virtually and in-person.

Flexible appointment times are available upon request (weekdays after 5pm, and weekends). Please email if you do not see a time on the calendar that fits your schedule.

If you are required to take BASICS or CASICS through Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, check your email first for a link to sign up.

What is BASICS?

BASICS is a conversation around alcohol. BASICS stands for Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students.

What is CASICS?

CASICS is a conversation around cannabis. CASICS stands for Cannabis Screening and Intervention for College Students.

Who are these programs for?

If you're a UT Austin student who is thinking about how alcohol or cannabis, or both, are affecting your personal well-being or academics, you can enroll in these programs. This might include wanting to learn more about how to stay safer if you choose to use, reflecting on a past experience involving substances, or thinking about changing your use.

Before signing up, please check your email to see if you are required to take BASICS or CASICS through Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.

What should I expect?

BASICS and CASICS are programs offered by The Longhorn Wellness Center and facilitated by trained graduate students. Our facilitators seek to create a supportive environment for all participants without judgement.

Both BASICS and CASICS involve two, 50-minute private meetings. You will receive a personalized report and certificate of completion at the end of the meetings.

Meeting 1

During meeting 1, you and a small group of peers will meet with a facilitator and set expectations, get an overview of the BASICS or CASICS programs and engage in two interactive group activities.

Meeting 2

During meeting 2, you meet one on one with your facilitator to review your personalized report which focuses on your experience with alcohol or cannabis. Resources are provided for continued support.

How Do I Sign Up?


Receive an email with a link after submitting the form.


Follow the IMPACT Feedback link in your email.


Sign into IMPACT Feedback using your student EID and password.


Click ‘classes’ on the left-hand navigation panel to view availability. We offer flexible appointment times upon request (weekdays after 5 p.m., and weekends) so reach out to us if you do not see a time on the calendar that fits your schedule.


Sign up for either a BASICS meeting 1 (for alcohol) or a CASICS meeting 1 (for cannabis).


Receive a confirmation email.


Receive a follow up email from your facilitator. Read through attachments.


Mark your meeting date, time, and zoom ID number or meeting location on a calendar. Log into the portal to see your meeting details.


Attend meeting 1. If you need to reschedule, please do so with a 48-hour advanced notice. There is a $25 ‘no show’ fee.

Email us at with any questions, comments or concerns.


There is no cost or prerequisites to sign up. If you are already signed up and need to change your meeting date or time, log into the portal to view our availability. The only cost associated with BASICS and CASICS is the $25 ‘no show’ fee.