Location and Parking
100 West Dean Keeton
Student Services Building (SSB) 5th Floor
Austin, TX 78712
Parking and Transportation
The SSB is located closest to the 27th Street Garage (TSG) and the Speedway Garage (SWG).
Counseling and Mental Health Center
All CMHC patients can get one hour of free parking in TSG or SWG. When entering the garage, use the kiosk to pull a ticket. Bring the ticket with you to the front desk of the CMHC (5th floor of the SSB) for parking validation. For questions/concerns, call 512-471-3515.
University Health Services
All UHS patients can get one hour of free parking in TSG or SWG. When entering the garage, use the kiosk to pull a ticket. Bring the ticket with you to your appointment for parking validation. For questions/concerns, call 512-471-4955.
Alternative Transportation Options
If you would prefer to not drive and park, consider these options.
UT Shuttle
The shuttle system provides an easy and cost-effective way for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to access the UT campus. UT students, faculty, and staff may ride the shuttles at no charge with a valid UT photo ID.
The 642 West Campus (WC), 640 Forty Acres (FA) and 661 Far West (FW) shuttles all stop within blocks of the SSB.
UT students, faculty, and staff may ride CapMetro mainline buses free by swiping a valid UT photo ID upon entering the bus.
Access Zipcars 24/7 with rates starting at under $10/hour.