Longhorn Wellness Center

Promoting well-being for all students

Longhorn Wellness Center

Promoting well-being for all students

Creating a culture of student and campus well-being though programs, education, health messages, student engagement and collaboration.

Student Services Building (SSB)
100 West Dean Keeton Street, 1.106

9 a.m.-5 p.m.


Monday - Friday
Closed on Saturdays and Sundays and for all UT Austin holidays

counselor talking to students

LWC Highlights

Request a Workshop

The Longhorn Wellness Center offers a variety of well-being workshops for groups of students, faculty and staff. Request one today!

Required Modules for Incoming Students

AlcoholEdu and Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates (SAPU) required modules for incoming students opens January 6. The deadline to complete Part 1 is January 17.

Sleep and Rest

Learn about and access resources to support your sleep and rest.

Wellness Resource Maps

Learn about campus nap locations, outdoor spaces, Narcan access and microwaves through the LWC’s Wellness Resource Maps.