Condoms and Protective Barriers
Protective barriers, including external condoms, internal condoms and dental dams reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Besides choosing to not have sex, condoms (external and internal), as well as dental dams, are the only way to reduce the risk of STIs.
Condoms and internal condoms also prevent pregnancy. Condoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly. Internal condoms are 95% effective with perfect use in preventing pregnancy.
Learn how to get free and low-cost safer sex supplies through the Longhorn Wellness Center.
External Condoms
Condoms are a contraceptive method that prevents pregnancy by covering the penis to keep sperm from entering the uterus and fertilizing an egg.
- When used consistently and correctly, condoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy.
- Condoms come in a variety of shapes, textures, colors, and sizes. Condoms can be made of latex or non-latex materials such as polyisoprene. The key to condom effectiveness is choosing a condom that works for you and your partner.
- 100% of condoms sold in the United States are tested before sale.
- Adding extra lubricant both inside and outside of the condom can increase sensation for both partners and reduce the risk of condom breakage.
- Condoms can prevent transmission of STIs during vaginal, oral and anal sex. For oral sex, flavored or non-lubricated condoms are recommended.
How To Use a Condom
Get consent.
Check expiration date and open package carefully.
Pinch the tip (1/2 inch) and place on penis.
Roll condom down to the base of the penis.
After sex, withdraw while holding the condom at the base.
Throw condom away. Do not re-use condoms.

Spermicide condoms are not recommended for use.
- Condoms with the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 provide no further protection against pregnancy.
- Can increase the risk of some STIs due to irritation of sensitive genital tissue.
Internal Condoms
The internal condom is a sheath made of a non-latex nitrile material that is placed into the vagina before sex. The internal condom has two flexible rings; one to hold the closed end in place near the cervix (the entrance to the uterus), and one at the open end to hold the condom in place outside the opening of the vagina.
- Internal condoms are 95% effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly.
- Internal condoms are considered equally effective as latex external condoms in preventing pregnancy and STIs.
- Good option for people with latex allergies.
How To Use an Internal Condom
Get consent.
Check expiration date and open package carefully.
While holding the outside of the condom at the closed end, squeeze sides of inner ring together with thumb and forefinger and insert into vagina.*
Using a finger, push inner ring as far up as it will go until it rests against cervix.
The thin, outer ring should remain outside vagina.
Guide partner’s penis into opening of the condom.
To remove, gently twist outer ring and pull condom out of vagina.
Throw condom away. Do not re-use condoms.
*Internal condoms can also be used for anal sex. Follow the same general guidelines as those for vaginal sex outlined above.
Dental Dams
Dental dams are thin latex or polyurethane sheets used between the mouth and vagina or anus during oral sex. Dental dams act as a barrier to prevent STI transmission.
How To Use a Dental Dam
Get consent.
Check expiration date and open package carefully.
Unfold the dental dam and place it flat to over the vagina or anus.
Hold the dental dam in place during oral sex.
Throw the dental dam away after use. Do not re-use dental dams.