Immunization and Medical Clearance Requirements for International Students
Welcome to UT Austin! To safeguard the health and well-being of all Longhorns, the following classifications of students must meet these immunization and medical clearance requirements before registering for classes.
- All incoming first-time UT Austin students.
- All students transferring from other institutions of higher education.
- All students re-enrolling after a break in enrollment of at least one fall or spring semester.
Please allow 4-6 weeks for UHS to process the records you submit for these requirements and to remove your medical hold.
You must wait one business day following your admission decision to access the MyUHS/CMHC patient portal to upload your records.
Please only submit one vaccination record per student.
Special international student clinics are offered every January and August to ensure that all students have the opportunity to obtain all needed tests and vaccines before registration.
U.S. citizen and or permanent resident
If you are a student who is a U.S. citizen and or permanent resident, visit the U.S residents and or permanent residents student immunization and medical clearance requirement page.
Dell Medical School Student
If you are a Dell Medical School student, visit the Dell Medical School student immunization and medical clearance requirement page.
Immunization Requirements
Requirement #1 – Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine
- Texas law (SB 1107) mandates that all entering UT students who will be 21 or younger on the first day of classes must receive the bacterial meningitis vaccine.
- Any type of bacterial meningitis vaccine is acceptable.
- The vaccine must be administered within five years of, and no later than ten days before, the first day of classes for the semester a student enters UT Austin.
Date Entering UT Austin | Vaccine Administration Date |
Spring 2025 | The vaccine must have been administered on or after January 13, 2020. |
Summer 2025 | The vaccine must have been administered on or after June 5, 2020. |
Fall 2025 | The vaccine must have been administered on or after August 25, 2020. |
Requirement #2 – Evidence of Measles and Mumps Immunity
Evidence of measles and mumps immunity can include ANY of the following (#1, #2 OR #3):
A vaccine record comprised of any of the dosages listed below with the FIRST DOSE administered ON or AFTER 12 months of age, and the SECOND dose administered at least 28 days after the first dose.
Two doses of the Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine,
Two doses of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (MMRV) vaccine,
Two doses of any combination of the vaccines listed above.
A positive blood test (titer)
- Measles (rubeola) IgG and Mumps IgG blood tests, with an official lab report showing:
- The student’s full name, the antibody levels, and the interpretation that the antibody levels indicate immunity (POSITIVE).
*Not acceptable: A healthcare provider’s statement that a lab was positive or antibody present.
Birth before 1957
Requirement #3 – Evidence of Rubella Immunity
Evidence of Rubella immunity can include ANY of the following (#1, #2 OR #3)"
A vaccine record comprised of any of the dosages listed below.
One dose of the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella),
One dose of the MMRV vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella).
A positive blood test (titer)
- A Rubella IgG blood test with an official lab report showing:
- The student’s full name, the antibody levels, and the interpretation that the antibody levels indicate immunity (POSITIVE).
Birth before 1957
Requirement #4 – Tuberculosis (TB) Clearance
Follow the 3 steps below to determine what you need to satisfy the Tuberculosis requirements.
Online Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire
All International students are required to complete an online TB screening questionnaire. To complete the questionnaire.
- Log into the MyUHS/CMHC portal using your UT EID and password
- Click on Medical Clearance
- Locate TB screening on the page and click on the Update button
- Answer the questions and submit your tuberculosis screening questionnaire
- If the TB test is necessary, the TB test requirement will be added when you return to the Medical Clearances tab.
If you are required to get a TB test
- The TB test must be performed in the United States.
- The test must be performed on or after March 1 for the following summer or fall semesters and on or after September 1 for the following spring semester.
- TB tests are performed at University Health Services. International student clinics are held in January and August of each year. If you arrive before or after these international clinics and want an appointment to receive the test, call 512-475-8301.
- Attention: Once you have satisfied your immunization requirements and completed the tuberculosis screening questionnaire, your medical bar will be temporarily lifted so that you can register for classes. The medical hold will be permanently lifted after you have fulfilled the TB testing requirements.
Acceptable (FDA) approved tests
- QuantiFERON®-TB Gold
- T-SPOT®.TB test (T-Spot)
- The laboratory report should contain the student’s name and the interpretation (NEGATIVE).
Not acceptable: A healthcare provider’s statement that a lab was negative or a chest X-ray as a substitute for the tests above.
If your tuberculosis test is positive
Further medical evaluation and a chest x-ray must be performed. You have the following two options.
Have your chest x-ray completed at UHS.
Make an appointment with a UHS provider. Log in to the MyUHS/CMHC portal and click “Appointments.” Under ‘What type of visit are you trying to schedule?’, select ‘International student appointment to address medical clearance requirements.’
Obtain your chest X-ray before coming to campus.
The chest x-ray must be performed in the United States. You are required to submit the written chest x-ray report AND a TB risk and symptom form. For information on how to submit your X-ray report, go to the documentation submission section of this page.
What Documentation Do I Need to Provide?
Vaccination History Form
Please submit this form in addition both your vaccine records and laboratory reports in English (preferred).
Vaccine Records
Vaccine records must include:
- Your full name.
- The vaccine name or vaccine abbreviation.
- The day, month, and year the vaccine was given.
The record must be obtained from one of the following:
- A state or local health authority.
- A school that you previously attended.
- Your healthcare provider.
- A pharmacy note that includes your name, the vaccine name or vaccine abbreviation and the day, month, and year the vaccine was given to prove the pharmacist administered the vaccine. We recommend taking the “UHS- Documentation of Vaccines Received at a Pharmacy” Form to the pharmacy where you will receive the vaccine and having the pharmacist complete the form to ensure the documentation meets medical clearance criteria.
Laboratory Reports
Laboratory reports must include:
- Your full name.
- The antibody levels.
- The interpretation of the test.
Unacceptable Documentation:
- Pharmacy receipts and prescription labels, even if they show the patient and vaccine name.
- A healthcare provider’s statement that a lab was negative or positive.
- A chest X-ray as a substitute for the laboratory tuberculosis tests.
Exemptions from Medical Clearance Requirements and Required Documentation
You are strongly encouraged to consult with a physician about the need for these vaccines before requesting an exemption.
Ways to be exempt can include any of the following
- You are enrolled in a fully online degree program.
- You are unable to receive the vaccines because of medical reasons.
- You are declining to receive the vaccines due to conscience, including a religious belief.
Forms to Be Used for Exemption
Bacterial meningitis vaccine, evidence of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella
How to Complete and Submit the Exemption Forms
Texas law requires a notarized, ORIGINAL Texas Department of State Health Services Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience Affidavit as the sole method for documenting an exemption for vaccine requirements for reasons of conscience.
- Request this form at well before your registration date.
- DSHS will print the form on special paper and mail it to addresses within the United States only.
- After you receive the form in the mail, the form must then be notarized by a State of Texas Notary Public.
- Texas Notary Publics have various acceptable Remote Online Notarization (RON) processes. When an online Texas notary is utilized, the notary form needs to be attached to the original affidavit form when submitted to UHS.
- UHS cannot accept the Texas DSHS affidavit form if it is received more than 90 days after the date it was notarized.
- Next, the notarized ORIGINAL affidavit form must be sent to UHS by U.S. mail or another shipping service or by hand delivery. Emails, faxes, and copies of this form cannot be accepted.
Mail or hand deliver your notarized official affidavit to:
ATTN: Immunization Compliance
The University of Texas at Austin
University Health Services
100 West Dean Keeton Street, STOP A3900
Austin, TX 78712-1107
How to Submit Your Documentation to UHS
Keep a copy of the medical clearance requirement related documentation submitted to UHS to use as a backup in case there are issues with submission. Also, do not submit your documentation by more than one method. This will not shorten the processing time.
Upload via the MyUHS/CMHC Portal (Preferred Submission Method)
For vaccines and TB testing results:
- Log into the MyUHS/CMHCportal (ensure you have set up DUO)
- Click on Medical Clearances. For each required immunization, enter the type(s) and date(s) exactly as shown on your record. Click Done when finished.
- Click on “Immunization Upload” and upload your records.
Once your records are reviewed and verified by UHS, your status will show as compliant. If uploaded documents do not fully satisfy requirement(s), UHS will contact you by secure message in the MyUHS/CMHC portal to describe what is needed to become compliant.
For the chest x-ray report:
- Log into the MyUHS/CMHCportal (ensure you have set up DUO)
- Click on New Message and select ‘I want to submit my chest x-ray and TB risk and symptom form due to testing positive for tuberculosis infection.
- Click Add Attachment
- Select your chest x-ray report file and click open.
- Complete the questions in the TB risk and symptom form.
- Click Send
By U.S.Mail
ATTN: Immunization Compliance
The University of Texas at Austin
University Health Services
100 West Dean Keeton Street, STOP A3900
Austin, TX 78712-1107
- Write your full name, EID, the semester you are entering (e.g., Fall 2024) and your email on your documents.
- If you will attend a virtual or in-person New Student Orientation session, write the date it starts on the outside of your envelope (e.g., day/month/year – “Orientation").
By Fax
During rush periods, you may receive busy signals before being able to complete your fax. Include your full name and your date of birth on your cover sheet or faxed document.
How to Determine Whether Your Documentation Has Been Processed and Your Registration Hold Has Been Removed
- Login to your Registration Information Sheet (RIS), scroll to Registration Holds to see whether you have a medical (or ‘H’) hold. This hold will be removed when your documentation is processed.
- If it has been more than six weeks since you submitted documentation, and you have not received a secure message indicating a deficiency, email
Where to Get Your Vaccines to Satisfy Medical Clearance Requirements
University Health Services
Admitted students can call 512-475-8301, option #2 (Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.) to schedule an appointment.
Health insurance is not required to use UHS, however UHS accepts most major U.S. insurance plans including the student health insurance plan, AcademicBlue. View information on the Healthyhorns Billing Office.
The vaccines are covered by the student health insurance plan, AcademicBlue.
The University of Texas Board of Regents requires all international students enrolled at UT with a visa status of F or J to have health insurance (including those applying for F or J status). For this reason, enrollment in the AcademicBlue UT Student Health Insurance Plan is automatic at the time of registration, and the cost of the policy is included in your tuition and fee bill. For more information, go to the Texas Global website.
Please note that international students entering the fall semester who are enrolled in AcademicBlue may not become active until August 1. If you choose to receive vaccines and/or TB tests before your insurance effective date, you will be responsible for the charges.
View more information on AcademicBlue including how to obtain a copy of your insurance card.
Additional Vaccine Resources
- Most doctor’s offices and private clinics
- Many large pharmacy chains
- Some minor emergency centers or walk-in clinics
For questions regarding immunizations, medical clearance requirements and medical holds, call the UHS Allergy, Immunization, and Travel Health Clinic at 512-475-8301 or email In your email, provide your UT EID. Be as detailed as possible about your question or circumstance.
Business Hours
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
1st and 2nd Wednesdays of the month, Closed from noon-1:30 p.m.