Annual Wellness Exam

The Gynecology Clinic offers confidential annual wellness exams. You can begin having annual wellness exams once you turn 18 or start having oral, vaginal or anal sex, whichever happens first.

The Gynecology Clinic welcomes all students who identify as women and all students who were assigned female at birth. However, if you would prefer to receive care in the UHS General Medicine Clinic, call the appointment desk at (512) 471-4955 press option 1 (instead of using online scheduling) and ask to be seen in General Medicine. Make sure to mention the specific services you need so that you can be scheduled appropriately. You can also read a list of all services offered at the Gynecology Clinic.

The purpose of an annual exam is to:

  • Examine your breasts to see that they look and feel normal, recommended at age 25.
  • Examine and evaluate your reproductive organs, if indicated.
  • Screen your cervix for abnormal changes that might lead to cancer, if indicated.
  • Test for infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), if indicated.
  • If applicable, evaluate your current method of birth control and discuss options.
  • Discuss any other sexual or reproductive concerns you might have.

What Happens During an Annual Exam?

During your visit, your healthcare provider will ask about you and your family's medical history and any health concerns you may have. Before your appointment, write down any questions you'd like to discuss, so you don't forget to bring them up during your visit.

Breast Exam

Your healthcare provider will offer to examine your breasts to check to see that they look and feel normal. They may also examine the front of your neck to check for thyroid gland abnormalities

Pelvic Exam

The pelvic exam usually lasts only a few minutes and can include the following:

  • External Genital Exam: If indicated, your provider will examine your external genitals (vulva) and the areas around your vagina and anus for signs of infection or other concerns.
  • Speculum Exam: If indicated, your provider may insert a speculum, an instrument shaped like a slender duck bill, into your vagina much like a tampon is inserted. When the speculum is opened inside your vagina, your provider can examine your cervix (the entrance to your uterus) for abnormalities, including signs of infection, and collect any specimens needed for testing. You may feel mild discomfort or pressure during this part of the exam.
  • Pap Smear: For patients over the age of 21, the annual exam may include a Pap smear. If you are getting a Pap smear, your healthcare provider will brush the cervix to get a sample of cells. These cells are sent for laboratory analysis. The Pap smear checks for abnormal changes in the cervix that could lead to cancer.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Other Vaginal Infection Testing: If you ask to be screened for chlamydia and/or gonorrhea, your provider will use a swab to get a sample of your vaginal secretions, which will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. Your provider can diagnose some infections by looking at a sample of your vaginal secretions under the microscope during your visit. You may also discuss blood tests for other STIs such as syphilis, herpes, HIV, and hepatitis B and C.

NOTE: If you haven't already received them, talk to your healthcare provider about how to get vaccinated against hepatitis B and HPV (human papillomavirus).

Getting the Results of Your Exam

Before you leave, your healthcare provider will discuss with you any areas of concern that were detected during your exam and will tell you how to get results for any tests that were performed. Any messages sent after your appointment about testing results or follow-up care will be sent via secure message to your MyUHS/CMHC portal. You will receive a notification via email or text prompting you to log on and check your messages.