Trainee Admissions, Support, and Outcome Data

Program Tables Updated on 08/08/2024

Internship Program Admissions

The Doctoral Internship at the Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Texas at Austin has been APA Accredited since 1966. The overall goal of the Psychology Internship Program at CMHC is to train interns in the core duties of a health service psychologist working in the context of a university or college Counseling Center. This prEmployment Positionaration includes a commitment to the development of skills in multicultural competence, clinical intervention, professionalism, ethical decision-making and behavior, and commitment to self-reflection and personal and professional growth and development. While we know that many of our interns will aim for a Counseling Center position as their first job, we also believe that the functions and services of our Center will prEmployment Positionare interns well for a variety of positions, especially those in outpatient settings.

Interns in our Center can expect to benefit from working with individual supervisors who are psychologists who have been licensed for three or more years, and from the opportunity to learn from and contribute to multidisciplinary clinical teams made of up psychologists, social workers, licensed professional counselors, and psychiatrists. These experiences enhance the learning process during the internship year, and prEmployment Positionare interns to work collaboratively and competently within multidisciplinary settings upon graduation.

As is described in other areas of our materials, interns in our Center gain experiences in a broad range of professional activities, including individual counseling, group interventions, crisis services, prevention and outreach, supervision of graduate students, while receiving training and support in one-to-one, small group, and seminar settings.

The internship year is a busy and rewarding one, and our dedicated trainers are committed to assisting interns in gaining the skills that will enable them to continue their personal and professional growth and to increase their sense of professional self-confidence.

The program requires that applicants have obtained the following minimum number of hours of the following types of experiences at the time of application:

Total Direct Contact Intervention Hours 400 hours
Total Direct Contact Assessment Hours No minimum; adult experience preferred

Other Required Minimum Criteria Used to Screen Applicants

  • Graduate Program must be APA- or CPA-Accredited in Counseling, Clinical, or School Psychology
  • Comprehensive Exams must be successfully completed before the Ranking Deadline for the APPIC Match Process
  • Dissertation/ Research Project Proposal must be Approved before the Ranking Deadline for the APPIC Match Process
  • Certified as ready for internship by doctoral programs

Financial and Other Benefit Support for Upcoming Training Year

Annual Stipend/Salary for Full-time Interns $40,300
Annual Stipend/Salary for Half-time Interns N/A
Program provides access to medical insurance for intern? Yes
Trainee contribution to cost required? Yes
Coverage of family member(s) available? Yes
Coverage of legally married partner available? Yes
Coverage of domestic partner available? Yes
Hours of Annual Paid Personal Time Off (PTO and/or Vacation) 8 hours/month
Hours of Annual Paid Sick Leave 8 hours/month
Compensatory Time For approved hours worked over 40/week
In the event of medical conditions and/or family needs that require extended leave, does the program allow reasonable unpaid leave to interns in excess of personal time off and sick leave? Yes

Other Benefits

  • Interns have access to use of university facilities and libraries.
  • Interns may use a portion of their precEmployment Positiontorship/apprenticeship time as Dissertation Release time.
  • Each intern has a private office and computer with Internet access.
  • The CMHC observes most state and national holidays and is often closed for part of the winter holiday.
  • Interns receive limited professional development leave time for approved reasons (e.g., dissertation defense, graduation, professional conferences)

Initial Post-Internship Positions (Aggregate Data for 2020-2023 Intern Classes)

Total # of interns who were in the 3 cohorts 12
Total # of interns who did not seek employment because they returned to their Doctoral program/are completing doctoral degree 0
Post-Internship Positions Post-Doctoral Residency Position Employment Position
Academic Teaching 0 3
Community Mental Health Center 0 0
Consortium 0 0
University Counseling Center 2 2
Hospital/Medical Center 0 1
Veterans Affairs Health Care System 0 0
Psychiatric Facility 0 0
Correctional Facility 0 0
Health Maintenance Organization 0 0
School District/System 0 0
Indendent Practice Setting 4 0
Other 0 0
Type of Placement Setting Post-Doctoral Residency Position Employed Position
University counseling center 2 2
Independent practice setting 4 0
Academic university/department 0 3
Independent primary care facility/clinic 0 0
Community mental health center 0 0
Federally qualified health center 0 0
Veterans Affairs medical center 0 0
Military health center 0 0
Academic health center 0 1
Other medical center or hospital 0 0
Psychiatric hospital 0 0
Community college or other teaching setting 0 0
Independent research institution 0 0
Correctional facility 0 0
School district/system 0 0
Not currently employed 0 0
Changed to another field 0 0
Other 0 0
Unknown 0 0

Statement Regarding the Use of Distance Education and Electronically Mediated Education

The Psychology Internship Training Program at CMHC uses Distance Education at this time in specific and intentional ways. For example, the Center provides certified telehealth training using Distance Education. The use of Electronically Mediated Education generally includes the review of video recordings of clinical sessions, and supplemental learning experiences that may be provided via pre-recorded trainings, Internet-based modules or recordings, and independent or guided searches of professionally related topics using on-line resources. The primary approach to learning is experiential and interactive (e.g., clinical experiences; supervision; seminars; consultations; prevention and outreach). Remote learning methods (e.g., video and audio technologies) have been used to facilitate the provision of services, supervision, and training as indicated in order to decrease health risks to interns and staff in response to the pandemic.