
All groups are free and confidential.

College students often face a variety of emotional, relational and academic concerns. Our groups are designed to be a supportive resource, providing an environment where peer interactions can lead to personal growth and relief from stress. Many participants find a sense of community in group settings, realizing they are not alone in their struggles...

CMHC offers therapy groups, therapeutic classes, and skill-building workshops that address a range of student needs. Some students are initially hesitant to participate in a group, but those who join consistently find them to be a beneficial and positive experience.

New groups start each semester. Most therapy and support groups have five to ten members. Classes and workshops, which are more educational and skill building in nature, may be larger. The number of sessions per group varies, concluding before the end of the semester. Usually, students meet in advance with the facilitator(s) to discuss their interest. Students can attend others on a drop-in basis. To learn about the different group options, please refer to the list below.

If you are interested in a group that is full, call (512) 471-3515 or come by CMHC Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to discuss your needs.

If you don’t see a group that's relevant or helpful to you, submit a suggestion or request to the CMHC Group Coordinator for other groups you’d like to see CMHC offer.

For questions about CMHC groups, contact Dr. Danielle Sirles at (512) 471-3515.

**Please note: CMHC groups are not eligible for individuals to observe for class assignments.

Drop-In Support Groups


Black Voices: Drop-in Mental Health Support Group for Black Students

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. CST

6/5 - 7/24 (not meeting on 6/19 & 7/3)

Tina Alexander


Questions or More Information

The group engages in safe and authentic discussion around students’ experiences as Black and African American students on the UT campus.

From race relations to career development and from cultural appropriation to sexuality and dating in the Black community, students are welcome to discuss any topic that is relevant to their experiences. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the current sociopolitical climate, the psychosocial impact of racial injustice, systemic issues that historically and currently marginalize and oppress the Black community, religious and spiritual development and identity development in the Black community.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

Registration - Click below to enter your name and email address. The facilitator(s) will send a follow-up email containing the Zoom link.


Coping Through Art: Mental Health Support Through Creative Exploration

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Wednesdays, 3:30-5 p.m. CST

6/26 - 7/24

Kim Orchowski & Haling Chung

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

Questions or More Information

No previous art experience is necessary or required.

This five-week group offers participants a chance to learn and explore new ways of coping with stress, grief, anxiety, depression and/or trauma through different weekly visual art activities. Participants are invited to engage in self-exploration and self-expression through a variety of art materials—without the expectation to do so verbally. The sessions facilitate increased emotional awareness/identification, relaxation, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, mindfulness, stress management, self-confidence, connections, and joy. Focusing on the process of art making, as opposed to the end product, is encouraged to challenge perfectionistic tendencies and practice mindfulness.

Supplies will be provided, but participants are welcome to bring supplies/materials/small found objects they already own. The following art materials are NOT permitted: X-Acto blades, oil paints or pastels, spray paint or toxic chemicals/solvents.

The series is activity-based and may include brief discussion of concepts/skills. Since the modules can be completed in any order, students can start the group at any time of the semester.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

Registration - Not necessary. Participants are not required to participate each week and can drop in for one, some, or all group sessions. Click below to receive weekly reminder emails about the group.


Latine Voices: Drop-in Mental Health Support for Latine Students

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Tuesdays, noon-1 p.m. CST

6/11 - 8/6 (not meeting on 7/2 & 7/9)

Joanna Menendez


Questions or More Information

This weekly drop-in group is for students who are willing to engage in respectful conversations and to honor group members' privacy.

The group provides a safe and supportive atmosphere in which participants can engage in inviting and authentic discussion around students' experiences as Latine students on the UT campus. Any and all topics that are relevant to students' experiences can be discussed such as sociopolitical issues, immigration status or conditions, intersecting identities, academics, and more. Students' privacy will be respected.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way for students to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

Registration - Click below to enter your email address and receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link.


LGBTQ+ Voices: Mental Health Support for LGBTQ+ Students

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Section 1

Wednesdays, 9-10:30 a.m. CST

7/3 - 8/7

SSB, G1.402

Amelia Zique

Section 2

Wednesdays, 2-3:30 p.m. CST CST

7/3 - 8/7


Amelia Zique

Questions or More Information

This is a space where participants can seek out and offer support, solidarity, and community to one another.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way for students to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

Yoga Groups for Mental Health Support


Yoga for Mental Wellness: Mental Health Support through Mindful Movement

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Thursdays, 3:30-5 p.m.

6/6 - 6/27

Alexandra Okeke, LPC, RYT-200 & Han Na Lee

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

Questions or More Information

Yoga can help with mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and emotional regulation. Participants will discover how movement, meditation, and breathwork can improve their overall well-being. This drop-in group will provide psychoeducation on the connection between mental health and somatic exercises and will end with a yoga practice. Beginners are welcome; no previous yoga experience is required.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.


VAV Trauma Informed Yoga: Mental Health Support Through Mindful Movement

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Tuesdays, 3-4:30 p.m. CST

6/11 – 7/30

Ayesha Akbar, RYT-200 and Paula Ramirez, RYT-200

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

Questions or More Information

This weekly drop-in yoga group is for students who have experienced trauma and are looking for support with their own healing experience.

Trauma-informed yoga focuses on themes of grounding, choice, connection with one's body, trauma/stress response and regulation. Through the practice, participants will also learn mindfulness skills to practice being in the present moment with intention.

No prior yoga experience is necessary. Open to all fitness and ability levels.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

Voices Against Violence (VAV) Groups


Nuestras Historias/Our Stories: Counseling Group for Latina Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Wednesdays, 3 to 4:30 p.m. CST

Joanna Menendez and Paula Ramirez

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

Questions or More Information

Nuestras Historias is a counseling group open to students who self-identify as Latine women of all ages. This group offers a safe and empowering environment in which members can give and receive supportive feedback to each other while reflecting on the intersection of identities and navigating being survivors of interpersonal trauma, such as sexual assault/abuse, dating/relationship violence, or abuse within family of origin. This group also encourages members to courageously practice new, more effective ways of relating to each other and to themselves as they move forward in their healing. Bilingual dialogue is welcome (not required) if it supports members well-being and empowerment.

To register or for more information - Interested students are asked to meet with a group facilitator to determine whether a particular group is a good fit for them. To set up a pre-group interview or to get more information, please call CMHC at (512) 471-3515.


VAV Drop-in Support Hour: Mental Health Support for Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Wednesdays, 11 a.m.-noon CST

6/12 - 8/7

Kim Bird, Hannah Nazir, Kristen Pearson, Aly Ramirez and Lauren Jennings


Questions or More Information

This is a weekly drop-in group open to students who identify as survivors of interpersonal trauma and are seeking support around healing and mental health. Interpersonal trauma may include experiences of sexual assault, emotional and physical abuse, dating/domestic violence, family of origin violence, etc. The group will provide an opportunity for participants to build community and engage in safe and confidential discussions that pertain to their experiences as survivors.

Registration - Click below to enter your name and email address. The facilitator(s) will send a follow-up email containing the Zoom link.


VAV Trauma Informed Yoga: Mental Health Support Through Mindful Movement

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Tuesdays, 3-4:30 p.m. CST

6/11 – 7/30

Ayesha Akbar, RYT-200 and Paula Ramirez, RYT-200

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

Questions or More Information

This weekly drop-in yoga group is for students who have experienced trauma and are looking for support with their own healing experience.

Trauma-informed yoga focuses on themes of grounding, choice, connection with one's body, trauma/stress response and regulation. Through the practice, participants will also learn mindfulness skills to practice being in the present moment with intention.

No prior yoga experience is necessary. Open to all fitness and ability levels.

The drop-in format of the group is a great way to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

Mindful Eating Groups

Visit the UHS Nutrition Services page for information on groups.

Group Services for Graduate and Professional Students


Dissertation Support Group: Addressing Stuckness, Balance and Mental Health

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Tuesdays, 2:30-4 p.m. CST

Mark Zentner


This group is for doctoral students who are experiencing difficulties in the dissertation process. Topics that are commonly discussed include work-life balance, interactions with advisors and faculty, job/career decision-making, and motivation/strategies for making concrete progress on their dissertations and other professional activities. The group provides a place for mutual support, accountability, and goal-setting to move through internal and external barriers and move forward with their lives and careers.

To register or for more information - Interested students are asked to meet with a group facilitator to determine whether a particular group is a good fit for them. To set up a pre-group interview or to get more information, please call CMHC at (512) 471-3515.


Summer Associates Support Circle: Drop-in Mental Health Support for Navigating Legal Beginnings

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Wednesdays, noon to 1 p.m. CST

Section 1: 5/15-6/12
Section 2: 7/10-8/14

Maria Timm


Questions or More Information

Law students can join this supportive circle to discuss the challenges of summer associate positions and summer clerkships. Our sessions will focus on evidence-based coping skills, in addition to time and stress management. We will also offer mindfulness and virtual chair yoga as an antidote to the often cerebral nature of the work. The drop-in format of the group is a great way to access mental healthcare without having to make a weekly commitment.

The first half hour of the group will consist of verbal discussion; the second half hour will consist of guided chair yoga and/or meditation.

Feel free to join for all or a portion of the group time and bring your lunch!

Registration - Click below to enter your name and email address. The facilitator(s) will send a follow-up email containing the Zoom link.

Other Support and Skill-Building Groups


Roots of Resilience: Existential Therapy for Mental Health

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Wednesdays, 12:30-2 p.m. CST

Erin Hazel and Chloe Ropner

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

This skill-building group offers participants a chance to explore new ways of navigating existential stressors. Participants can seek out and offer support to one another while learning effective coping strategies to deal with feelings of helplessness, emotional overwhelm, grief, stress, and meaninglessness. Join us for this opportunity to connect with your sense of purpose and increase your resiliency during life’s challenging times.

To register or for more information - Interested students are asked to meet with a group facilitator to determine whether a particular group is a good fit for them. To set up a pre-group interview or to get more information, please call CMHC at (512) 471-3515.

Understanding Self and Others Counseling Group


Understanding Self and Others Counseling Group

All CMHC groups are free and confidential.

Mondays, 10:30 a.m. to noon CST

Danielle Sirles & Dea Radovancevic

CMHC – SSB 5th floor

This group provides an environment in which members can gain powerful experiences through giving and receiving support and encouragement from others facing similar struggles. The group also allows members to practice new, more engaged and effective ways of relating to each other. Common concerns discussed in the group include, but are not limited to, personal growth and self-care, relationships, mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety, asserting boundaries, and other concerns that feel relevant to participants.

To register or for more information - Interested students are asked to meet with a group facilitator to determine whether a particular group is a good fit for them. To set up a pre-group interview or to get more information, please call CMHC at (512) 471-3515.

If you don’t see a group that's relevant or helpful to you, submit a suggestion or request to the CMHC Group Coordinator for other groups you’d like to see CMHC offer.

For questions about CMHC groups, contact Dr. Danielle Sirles at (512) 471-3515.

You may also like to review the current SHARE communities being offered by the Longhorn Wellness Center. SHARE communities are non-clinical, student-facilitated groups that should not be considered a replacement for therapy.