Mindful Eating Team

The Mindful Eating Team is here to support students who have questions or concerns about their relationship with food and movement.

Our team of counselors, dietitians and physicians are here to support you in raising awareness about the impacts of disordered eating patterns and to develop a plan to support your physical and mental health.

We understand that disordered eating is complex; it can serve as a coping mechanism or even an adaptive behavior in response to trauma and stress. However, we also recognize that our relationships with food can be harmful and lead to medical complications and life-threatening illness. Wherever you are in your journey, we’re here to support your holistic healing.

Assessment and Referral

If you’re dealing with food and body image concerns, the Mindful Eating Team provides assessment and referral support. This multidisciplinary team of professionals is dedicated to your physical and emotional well-being. The assessment typically consists of three separate appointments:

  • A counseling assessment
  • A medical evaluation
  • A nutrition consultation

Begin the process by contacting the Counseling and Mental Health Center. Depending on your needs, you may also meet with a psychiatrist and/or an off-campus medical specialist to assess specific medical conditions.


You can access the team in three ways:

  • Schedule an appointment with a Counseling and Mental Health Center Mindful Eating Team (MET) counselor by calling 512-471-3515 (preferred first step), OR
  • Schedule an appointment with a University Health Services (UHS) Mindful Eating Team (MET) physician by calling 512- 471-4955, OR
  • Schedule an appointment with a UHS dietitian by calling 512-475-8010.

Guidance and Support

After your assessment, we’ll discuss your situation and provide guidance on getting the help you need. You’ll receive personalized recommendations and support to find effective treatment options. Depending on your diagnosis, personal resources, readiness for treatment, and recovery needs, these options may include:

  • Individual and/or group counseling at CMHC
  • Individual counseling off-campus (we will help connect you)
  • Nutrition counseling with either a UHS or off-campus registered dietitian
  • Psychiatric services
  • Medical monitoring by a UHS MET physician.
  • Referral to an in-patient or intensive outpatient treatment program

These are all crucial aspects of recovery from eating and body image issues, but participation looks different for everyone. Recommendations may change at any time as your treatment goals are evaluated and revised over time.

Off-Campus Treatment

If, after your assessment, we recognize that intensive, long-term, or specialized treatment is the best option for you, we will refer you off-campus for this treatment. We give detailed referrals and offer support for students transitioning to off-campus services.

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