Elements Shared By All CMHC Practicum Experiences
The Use of Self Model
Regardless of the specific work activity, a primary "thread" running through all our training activities is the skill of "Use of Self" and its variants. For us, this means assisting the trainee in exploring and understanding the qualities and dynamics that he or she brings to each interpersonal encounter and how these facilitate or hinder effective interactions. It also means that the trainee is encouraged to become more attuned to his or her own thoughts and feelings in working with clients and recognize how this increased self-awareness can be used to better understand client dynamics and develop effective treatment strategies. Because we believe in the working alliance as an indispensable ingredient in any helping relationship, we encourage trainees to recognize, improve, and employ those personal qualities that will assist in forming effective working relationships with clients, peers, center staff and other members of the university community.
Because our training programs are based largely on a relational, use-of-self training model, and because we believe that optimal professional development occurs within the context of self-reflection and personal exploration, our various training activities will, at times, ask trainees to disclose personal information. Our training staff takes very seriously its responsibility to foster and maintain a safe, trusting and supportive environment that will allow such disclosures to occur in accordance with the goals and objectives of our training model.
Prior to the beginning of the fall semester, all incoming practicum students take part in a two-day orientation session designed to familiarize students with various aspects of the practicum. The orientation session is held within one week of the beginning of the fall semester classes. For students who are selected for the Integrated Health track, an additional orientation to University Health Services is required, and students selected for the Counselors in Academic Residence track will receive training specific to the CARE program.
Professional Expectations of Trainees
Trainees are expected to commit to and demonstrate ethical behavior as defined in the APA Code of Ethics and to become familiar with and observe all CMHC policies and procedures. Trainees are viewed as emerging professionals and are respected for the services and skills that they provide. Accordingly, it is expected that they will conduct themselves in a professional manner.
All practicum students will also be expected to:
- Provide six to eight hours each week to be used for scheduling individual counseling clients. During these hours, it is expected that practicum students will be present at the CMHC, UHS or CARE offices even when no clients are scheduled, due to the fact that clients may be scheduled close to the beginning of clinical appointment times. It is expected that practicum students will use unscheduled time to focus on assigned readings, prepare for supervision, review client records or to perform case management activities (e.g., making referrals, writing progress notes).
- Video / audio record every client session. Supervisors often view sessions privately and ask the trainee to show an individual counseling session (or specific part of a session) to aid supervision. Digitally recorded material related to clinical work is treated as confidential and trainees are instructed in how to ensure that this material is secured at all times.
- Be punctual, consistently attend, and actively participate in the practicum seminar. Practicum students are expected to read and be prepared to discuss assigned readings, to be actively involved in group discussions, and to openly discuss and enlist support and assistance with their clinical caseload.
- Be punctual, consistently attend, and actively participate in supervision. Students are expected to prepare for supervision on a weekly basis and to initiate and actively engage in discussions which will lead to their professional growth and to receiving the feedback necessary to provide high-quality services to their clients. Trainees are expected to utilize the CMHC resources available to them if their clients experience clinical crises. These resources include individual supervisors, the Practicum Training Coordinator, the daily crisis counseling teams, and the Associate Director for Clinical Services.
- Be familiar with, commit to, and follow the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, along with the APA practice guidelines for multicultural populations, women and girls, LGB individuals, transgender and gender nonconforming people, and older adults.
- Maintain timely and accurate client records, including written and electronic documentation, according to established CMHC policies and procedures.
- Protect and safeguard ALL CONFIDENTIAL client material. Specific procedures for protecting client information will be explained during orientation. Absolutely no records or recordings are allowed to be removed from CMHC premises, under any circumstances.
- Dress in a professional manner, consistent with agency norms for clinical staff members and interns.
Evaluation and Feedback
Evaluation and feedback are an ongoing process that occurs verbally throughout each semester. At the start of the semester, supervisors and trainees, in consultation with the Practicum Training Coordinator, will identify supervisory and clinical goals. At mid-semester, the Practicum Training Coordinator will meet with the student's supervisor(s) and then individually with the practicum student to discuss the student's progress on goals and to highlight any areas of concern or growth so that trainees can focus their training efforts on these issues. As indicated, feedback is provided to department faculty who coordinate the practicum placements.
A written evaluation process takes place at the end of each academic semester. Supervisors provide a written summary of each student's competencies and progress, while the student completes a written evaluation of their experiences with their supervisors. Each practicum student meets with their supervisor at the end of the semester to review and discuss these evaluations.
Copies of written departmental evaluations will be provided to the appropriate Directors of Training at the student's academic department.