SHARE Circles

SHARE Circles are a group storytelling tool based on indigenous / First Nations practices. Circles are great for building community, empathy, and understanding among groups, and the turn-taking structure ensures that everyone’s voices are heard.

How Does it Work?

SHARE Circles are requested through the online form below. They can be tailored to any size group around a theme relevant to the members’ experiences or concerns, and may be facilitated in person or virtually. 1 SHARE Facilitator is typically assigned per every 5-8 students if possible. Circle themes are flexible, but some examples include:

  • Connection, community, and belonging
  • Adjustment to college life and UT
  • Stress management, self-care, and/or mindfulness
  • Fear of failure or anxiety about the future
  • Shared experiences among peers with similar or different cultural identities
  • Overcoming competition and comparison within colleges/majors

Here’s what students have been saying about their SHARE Circle experiences:

I enjoyed being vulnerable with my classmates and learning that while everyone is struggling in their own ways, they are finding ways to cope.

I felt like I was being heard and was able to speak my mind without feeling uncomfortable. I was given the chance to get things off my chest and share things that I didn't even know needed to be shared.

It was nice to hear how everyone had similar experiences and I felt less alone in my feelings.

I got to have deeper conversations with my classmates that I otherwise never would’ve had.

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Ready to Request a Circle?

If your group could benefit from dedicated time to connect, hear others needs and perspectives, or practice vulnerability in a safe container, submit a request today! SHARE Circles are listed as one of the options on the Longhorn Wellness Center’s workshop request form.

Please note that most Circles need at least two weeks’ notice to schedule, and may be requested for a minimum of 25 minutes to a maximum of 90 minutes depending on your needs. SHARE Facilitators will reach out within 2-4 business days of receiving each request to confirm the date, location, and theme and answer any questions you may have.

Still have questions?

Email the Program Coordinator Adrian Lancaster at