Mindful Moments
Integrating mindfulness into your day is a great way to build more mindful habits that support your life in college. Use any of these suggestions during different parts of your day depending on how much time you have, whether it's 1, 5 or 10 minutes. These activities will be updated regularly.

Incorporate any of these mindful practices into your morning routine.
Have a minute to spare in your morning routine? Follow along with this one-minute meditation to start your day off on the right foot!
Start off your day by repeating affirmations that you wish for yourself and others. For instance:
"May I/they have ease of well-being."
"May I/they have peace."
"May I/they be relieved of pain."
Bring your attention to the present moment this morning by narrating what you are doing. Whether it's aloud or in your head, just describe what you're doing as you go through your routine.

Mindfulness doesn't have to be done in stillness. Try any of these practices while moving today.
As you're moving from place-to-place today, take note of how the air feels on your skin.
Take some time to put on a song of your liking and dance! Don't worry about how you look or choreography, just move in a way that feels natural to you. Once the song is over, what do you notice?
As you're moving your way to different places across campus, try to keep an eye out for burnt orange.

Need a study break? These mindful moments will help you calm your mind and return to your work with a clear headspace.
Ground yourself before a study session with this mindfulness practice. Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Focus solely on your breath for just one minute. Then, continue with studying.
Need a change of scenery, but don't have time to go outside? Take five minutes to look out the closest window and take note of everything you see.
Take a study break and flex your creative muscles by doodling. Draw whatever comes to your mind, just let your creative juices flow!

Social connection is crucial for our mental health and well-being. Here are some mindfulness practices to help deepen connection and presence.
Have you met someone new this semester that you've been meaning to reach out to? Take a minute to send them a quick message to check in and make connections.
It can be easy to fall out of touch with loved ones back home during the busy-ness of the beginning of the semester. Take five minutes today to call a loved one back home.
Go through Volunteer UT's database to find a community service project to volunteer for. You can plan to go with a group of friends or even go by yourself and meet new people on campus!

Incorporate any of these mindfulness practices into your evening routine.
Take a moment to write down 3 things about yourself that you are grateful for. What do you notice while leaning into self-gratitude?
Had a busy day? Take a few calming breaths, then take note of 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.
If you have free time in the evening and the weather is nice, take some time to sit or lie down on the ground to watch the clouds.