Mindful Practices

Foundations of Stress Management Course (HED 112)

This course is an examination of stress, mindfulness, and multiple means of stress management. We explore the science of stress and how it impacts our health, the history and benefits of mindfulness, and then engage with different stress management practices each week thereafter. The ultimate of this course is for students to use healthy coping strategies on a consistent basis, as well as have tools to address stressors that will arise from being a college student. This course is a 1 credit, seminar course that is offered every fall and spring term and is open to any student.

Daily Mindfulness Calendar

Week of June 30


Nature Sunday

Being One With Nature

Find a safe and comfortable place outdoors, and focus your attention on one aspect of nature (ie. a plant, tree, an insect, etc.). Imagine yourself as the thing you have chosen. How would you feel? How would you move?


Meditation Monday

Mindful Body Scan

A body scan is a meditative practice in which you focus on every area of your body, often beginning at the toes and moving to the head. Listen to this 5 minute body scan meditation. What do you notice?


Gratitude Tuesday

Thankful for Yellow

Take a few minutes today to write down 3 things you are grateful for that are yellow. What do you notice while writing this list?


Movement Wednesday

Full Arm Circles

Sit tall in a chair. Bring your arms straight in front of you, palms facing in. Inhale and circle your arms above your head, complete the circle as you exhale. Alternate the direction of the circle for each breath.


Art Form Thursday


Begin by marking your paper with four dots in each corner, linking them together in a border. Draw freestyle lines, adding intricate designs and patterns, moving the tile around if you wish. What do you notice?


UT Resource Friday

Thrive at UT -- Thoughts

Download the free Thrive at UT app and complete the Thoughts module.


Connection Saturday

Picnic at the Turtle Pond

If the weather is nice, plan to meet with your friends by the turtle pond for a picnic! You can enjoy your friends' company while observing the turtles.