Student Administrative Health Fee

Each year, the Student Services Budget Committee allocates money from tuition to student services. Funds allocated to UHS are called the Student Administrative Health Fee (SAHF). The SAHF helps keep healthcare affordable by covering part of the student’s financial responsibility (the part of the cost for your care that isn’t paid by tuition or your health insurance) for certain medical services, tests, and supplies for students, whether or not the student has insurance. UHS cannot use the SAHF to help cover costs for students who have insurance but choose not to use it.

Highlights of SAHF coverage

  • $10 for an office visit charge with the following exceptions where office visit charges are higher:
    • Preventive physical exams
    • Annual gynecological exams
    • Physical therapy
    • Initial travel health appointments
    • Visits with a registered dietitian
  • 50% of the student's financial responsibility for preventive physical exams (e.g. annual gynecological exams and routine physical exams).
  • 70% of the student's financial responsibility for dietitian appointments.
  • 70% of the student's financial responsibility for chlamydia and gonorrhea testing. Some lab tests are sent to an outside laboratory, and UHS cannot guarantee discounts for these tests.
  • 50% of the student's financial responsibility for durable medical equipment (e.g. crutches, knee brace, etc.). Discounts cannot be given if the discount lowers the charge below the actual cost to UHS of the product/service.

Read the University of Texas UHS-SAHF Plan Document.